My eBay Favorites Page
The All Favorites page, shown in, is where you can access your most-used categories, searches, and sellers. There are three lists on this page:
- My Favorite Searches
- My Favorite Sellers
- My Favorite Categories
You can add items to your favorites by clicking the Add links to the right of each listAdd New Search, Add New Seller or Store, and Add New Category. From there, follow the onscreen instructions to add the items you want to appear on the All Favorites page in the future.
My eBay Account Page
The My Account page, shown in, is where you can manage your eBay seller’s account and leave feedback about specific transactions.
The My Account Summary list, at the top of the page, displays your last eBay invoice total, any payments and credits made since your last invoice, and any fees accessed since your last invoice. There’s also a section that lets you pay your eBay fees via PayPal.
The My Account page is particularly useful because it contains direct links to some of eBay’s normally well-hidden customer service features, including fees and credits, payment terms, credit card setup, credit requests, and refunds. It’s easier to click these services here than to hunt them down on eBay’s Site Map page.